Sunday, January 27, 2008

Tigger tries to make a break for it!

It's been raining hard for about a week here in Davis. So when I left for work at 4 this morning, I thought it'd be funny to give Tigger a taste of Davis weather. he always tries to escape, but this time I let him. He didn't stay outside for more than 30 seconds before he decided the house was a much nicer place to be!

I also gave him some toys (mostly catnip hidden in a toilet paper roll) and he batted that around for him. I also hid a treat in my old shoe - we'll see if he digs it out.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Tigger realizes where the front door is.

This morning when I left to go to work, Tigger saw a glimpse of the outside world. Now he is standing on his tiptoes and has his front paws on the doorknob. Bad kitty is trying to open the door!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tigger stares at Enano.

They'll be friends soon.

Tigger is studying hard

He is learning about the GI system. Use lots of different markers to make your notes!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Tigger knocks over things

and is bad! He went to my roommate's room and knocked everything off her shelves. Also he pushed a plate of pasta and up-ended it on the floor. Destructokitty

Monday, January 7, 2008

Tigger looks out the window at the birds

There are sparrows playing on the roof of the neighbor's house, and Tigger likes to watch them. He meows very pitifully that he can't get them.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Tigger has a peaceful interaction with Enano

Up till this point Tigger has been hissing at Enano whenever he sees him and acting very fearful in general. But now he's definitely getting braver and/or more curious. Now he goes up to Enano on the other side of the baby gate and just stares at him. Enano wiggles all over cos he's so excited. Tigger jumps up on the table so he can get a better look. After a while he wanders away. Enano is really disappointed at being robbed of a playmate and whines. Tigger stares at him like he's insane, and goes back to playing with himself. It looks promising though!

Here is Enano looking sad.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Tigger finally poops!

Yay! Tigger pooped for the first time in four days. That was a little worrisome, but probably just due to the stress of the move. He has been eating and drinking, maybe eating a little less than normal. But he does seem to like the new canned food that he was given!

Very glad that he is not constipated.

No, there are no pictures of his poo to accompany this post.

Tigger has other new stuff.

Like a water bowl that he can't tip over anymore!

and maybe a new friend to play with once he gets to know him. For now he is locked up, anyway.

Tigger really loves his scratching post

Tigger's new scratching post

He loves it!