Monday, December 31, 2007

Tigger survives his flight.

Tigger has only ever lived on the east coast, so the 8.5 hour flight to California was a new and scary experience. He did not like his small carrier and protested loudly from inside: "meOWW.. OWW" which probably means "I want to get out!" At the security checkpoint, they made Tigger come out of the carrier so it could go through the xray tube. Tigger had to be carred by hand through the security gate, and he was very scared. Then he wanted to go right back into the carrier. The flight was very long, but he stopped meowing after 3 hours and went to sleep. He was very heavy, so he got to ride on a luggage cart from one terminal to another to catch the second flight. Finally, he made it to his new home in Davis.

This was Tigger's journey:

*Actually this was not the exact journey because he flew down to Houston, Tx and then back up to Sacramento, and then had to get on a van to get back to Davis.

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